Wednesday, February 10, 2016


I've never done well with Lent. If I give something up, I always bring it back within days. If I take something on, i get off track and never get back to it.

This year, I'm not sure if it's "the right way" to do Lent, but I'm trying something new. Instead of giving up one thing or another, I'm going to give up something small each day. Maybe an unpleasant interaction with someone, maybe my own expectations of myself to be perfect at something, maybe just giving up a negative thought. But whatever it is, I'm going to give it up. Give it to God. Say a prayer. And refocus.

If you want to follow me in this journey, I'll be posting my daily "giving up" on the blog.

Today, I give my frustration around report cards. There is one aspect that the district fails to support every year, and today that really got to me. I'm giving it up. I'm saying a prayer. Goodnight.

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