Thursday, June 26, 2014

Honesty: An Introduction

Blogging has only recently become an interest of mine. Writing my own, that is. I have been reading blogs done by my friends and people I admire for about a year. And those blogs range from education-related things to family updates, to personal, emotional stories. Add into that equation my love of Facebook and social media, but my tendency to be long-winded. I wanted a way to get my thoughts out honestly, and to share that honesty with others. So I got an idea in my head: "What if I were to start a blog?"

A few days ago, I asked my friends why they blog, what they write, and who is their intended audience. I was hoping for inspiration, focus, guidance. And I secretly hoped that a few of the bloggers/friends I follow would chime in, since they were my inspiration (they did!). I got so many responses with so much variation, from: "I blog because it allows me to vent," to: "I blog because I want to start a conversation," and: "I blog so people can keep up with my growing family." Great answers, and helpful, but so much for focus...

I had to think for a couple of days, because when I do something I want it to have focus, purpose. But with so many reasons to blog, what would my focus be? What will set my blog apart from others? What will elevate me to blogging greatness?! And so began the thinking. I thought about my potential blog posts while walking my dog (Really?! Barking at cars?! I could vent about this for days!) I thought about it while reading a recent article in the local newspaper regarding my school district (Mind racing, what if someone from the district sees my rant? Could I get in trouble? But I do love my school. I don't want to sound bitter. But, but, but...). I pondered blogging about the hairstyles people ask me about as I was braiding my hair (I could do tutorials! Women everywhere would Pin my photos on Pinterest!). I even thought about blogging in the wee hours of the night, when my growing baby began her nightly ritual of practicing somersaults in my belly the moment I settled in to try to sleep (This is so miraculous...and annoying! Surely other moms can relate). Again, so much for focus...

But then I thought about the purpose of a blog, as I understand it: There really is no specific purpose. Hence, the diversity of blogs out there in the universe, and the diversity of purposes they serve for their authors. If people want to write about their kids, they can. If they want to document their hobbies, travels, or times of trial, that's OK too. Even if someone wants to blog about the intricacies of social behavior in, say, water buffaloes... sure, they can do that. The audience is narrowed significantly, but its possible.

And the other aspect of blogging is audience. Some of the people who answered my blogging question on Facebook pointed out this side: Sure, blogging might be fun, but who would really read it? What makes me so special that people want to read what's going on in my head? If they want to know, they could just ask, right? Right. They could. And some do. But sometimes I have things to share that a simple, "How have you been?" just won't cover.

So when I think about what I have to share, and with whom I have to share it, I have decided to focus upon a guiding principle: Honesty. This does not mean I will spew out whatever comes to mind without filtering, and I will not be spilling my deepest, darkest, secrets to the Internet (nor those of my loved ones). The titles of my posts will give a hint as to their contents, and I will share said posts where I feel they will be read. If you want to read, read on.

There will be posts about pregnancy, and, after our little girl is born, there will be posts about new-mommy-hood, and babies, and photos. There will be posts about my social views. There will be uplifting posts and there will be honest, raw posts that may be difficult to read. There will be posts about spirituality, friendship, marriage, celebrations, disappointments, and frustrations. Sometimes I will post daily. And sometimes there will be LONG gaps between posts. Because that's life. And that's my first bit of honesty. Welcome. :)

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