Here they are, the list of funny, shocking, and crazy things that have been said to pregnant mamas. Enjoy! No names to protect the innocent ;)
1. "Don't put hot sauce on your food, it's really bad for the baby!"
2. "At the pool with my niece, a toothless, hairy man rubbed and patted my belly and said, 'Nuther one in the oven, I see!"
3. "You shouldn't count on anything going the way you want during labor, because nothing went right during mine."
4. "You must be so hot! And you still have so much summer left!" It's worth mentioning that this was said by an aging man who did not know me.
5. "At 36 weeks, a woman asked me how much longer I had. When I told her, she said, 'Oh my GOD! That doesn't even seem physically possible!'"
6. From a kid: "You look like you have a basketball in your stomach... Well, actually, more like just a half of a basketball..."
7. "Have you peed your pants yet?"
8. "Are you sure you aren't having twins?"
9. "You're not going to find out if it's a boy or a girl? But HOW will you plan?!"
10. "Get rid of your cats. They will suffocate the baby by trying to take the milk from their lips."
11. "My blood pressure was really high when I checked in to the hospital in labor. The nurse asked me: 'Are you really nervous or something?' Well, yeah!"
12. "Wow! You're so big! I can't believe you're here right now!"
13. "Don't let the cat sit on your lap. In fact, don't even let him touch you."
14. "I was walking down some stairs in public, and a friend of ours shouted, 'Watch out, she's gonna blow!'"
15. "How much weight have you gained? I was only allowed to gain 18 pounds. Be careful you don't gain too much."
16. "Your feet aren't that puffy... Oh, well yeah, I guess they are."
17. Several variations of, "Why are you still working?" or "I can't believe you're still here!" or "You're so brave to keep working."
18. With hands already touching the belly, "I forgot to ask. Can I touch your belly?"
19. "Once you give birth, your husband won't want anything to do with you because of what childbirth does to your lady parts."
20. "You must be having morning sickness, you look awful!"
21. "At the grocery store, a father with his two screaming toddlers walked past my husband and I. A lady walked by just after and looked at my pregnant belly. 'Is this your first?' She asked. We smiled and nodded, and she pointed to the screaming kids and said, 'Just keep that in mind!'"
There they are. If you have any to add, let me know!
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