Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Moving and Changing

We live in a house. If you don't know us, you would think this is a strangely obvious statement to make. But for my husband and I, living in a house has always been a life goal and dream. We had lots of help, but we have done it, and now we don't just exist in a residence, or function out of an apartment - we live in a house. Our new home. And we are so happy.

We hate moving. Both of us do. That being said, we have moved a total of 4 times since we started living together. You'd think we would avoid moving, and we do, but sometimes you just have to. We had to move from a 1-bedroom to a 2-bedroom apartment. We had to move to Albany, and we had to come back home to Eugene. But finally, we are in a home that we could see ourselves living in, growing in, and staying in for the rest of our lives. I walk through the hall and see little ones running around. I sit on our back porch and imagine summer after summer spent gazing at the garden and eating outside. I stand in the kitchen and envision Thanksgivings and Christmases, Duck game watch parties and birthday parties. My husband has spent hours already making the garage his "man cave" and organizing what little amounts of tools and supplies we have. He has meticulously swept off every inch of our porch, and picked out a welcome mat. We love this house. I didn't think it was possible to love a place so much, but for us, it provides a feeling of place, a feeling of belonging. Even our pets are happy here.

We had so much help from so many people in making this house happen. From help finding it, to acquiring it, to moving, to painting and decorating, to arranging (and then rearranging) the furniture. And even though we hate moving, this experience has brought us together with some of the people we love the most, and has brought us closer together. I have been able to relax quite a bit about the baby, since we are now living in a home that can accommodate our needs as a family.

This move has brought about a great deal of change for my husband and I. Today is our 3-year wedding anniversary, although we have known one another for nearly 10 years. As I reflect upon all the changes that have happened in these three married years, I am amazed. We have gone through so much together, and grown so much individually and as a couple. Since being married, we have both completed a college degree, lived in a different town, gotten a dog (and not just any dog, an anxiety-ridden shelter dog), entered career track jobs, traveled, experienced times of trial and times of triumph, and we have now started a family. And we've done those things at each other's sides. Now we take on another milestone together: a house. It's going to be different and difficult, but we're in it together. And teamwork is something we're good at.

Today is a celebration of how far we've come, and an acknowledgement that we will grow and change in the future. Today is about being grateful for what we have and for the people around us. It is about hope. Today is probably also about housework, since we're not quite done with the move...
Happy Anniversary to my husband! Here's to many, many more!

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